Friday, February 12, 2010

Vigina Clip Art My Wife Was Telling Me Some Thing About A Clip That Is Put In Her Vigina So That She Dos Not Get Pregnant?

My wife was telling me some thing about a clip that is put in her vigina so that she dos not get pregnant? - vigina clip art

if she wants to use the pill for a year until we decided we have our first child


CheekyMo... said...

Sounds like an IUD or Interauterine device. There are two types, Mirena is a plastic, which lasts 5 years and contains the time-hormones. The copper-T is just that - is copper-and T-shaped and has a maturity of 10 years. I have a copper-T, after my daughter was born, and it was great.

Elissa said...

A spiral into the uterus of a woman, not the vagina. The two major modified for at least 5 years.

There is also a vaginal ring, a plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina once a month. Since the BC pills can be interrupted at any time, but it is much easier than the pill. "Set it and forget it" as Ron Popeil would say.

Jane Collective said...

I think ur talking of a spiral .... Let me tell u that I had the spiral and the child she had conceived at the same time, he is now 14 months old.

Due 1/28/2010 with # 2 said...

IUD .... is painful when you have sex when you hit it ruins the moment if you know what I mean

Melissa said...

Mirena is placed in the neck, may mean that

Maddy's Mommy said...

The IUC or spiral?

Dalton's Mommy & Kaiah due 2 said...

It is called Mirena and the last 5 years or until you are out,

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