Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dixie Chopper Silver Eagle For Sale How Can I Get A Dixie Chopper ZTR Mower Out From The Bottom Of A Swimming Pool? AAA And Our Towing Co Wont!!?

How can I get a Dixie Chopper ZTR Mower out from the bottom of a swimming pool? AAA and our towing co wont!!? - dixie chopper silver eagle for sale

I cut my Dixie Chopper 74 "ZTR Excalibur and lost control of the machine and ended in the bottom of my pool. I can not go, I called AAA - no help. J 'I cried compannies trailer 3, and will not help, I' m . What weighs 2.100 pounds, thank you In addition, severity of injury that you believe? was in the pool, almost 9 days, because nobody will help me..


Anonymous said...

Well, the fast and expensive, is to call a towing service. will probably pay $ 100 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours, but we can not repeal a lower power, connect it to a fixed part of the machine, which collects and put it wherever you want.
If you have more time than money, it can create ramps down to the pool and have someone run the mower into the water while you shoot the ramp to your truck driving -. It's a little scary, but use your imagination.
, in relation to injuries, OK, if it dries very well drained, leave all the oil from the engine and gearbox, new crankshaft, draining and filling of any particular matter until more white foam, the water mixed with oil. May day in the sun went for a few days to dry everything well. espesially ignition and things inside.

Anonymous said...

If there are no power lines above the pool - CALL crane.


Anonymous said...

I think you need to see a rental of heavy equipment to. You can use a bulldozer to remove them. Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

I think you need to see a rental of heavy equipment to. You can use a bulldozer to remove them. Hope this helps!

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